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PRF Insurance

PRF insurance is Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage insurance subsidized by the USDA. It helps ranchers maintain their income during periods of low rainfall. This insurance is affordable due to USDA government support and is available for both owned and leased lands used for grazing or hay production.

When rainfall in individual grids drops below the average of the last 40 years, indemnities are paid. Ranchers can choose to insure up to 90% of their average rainfall for areas designated for grazing or haying. If rainfall in their individual grids falls below the average, they receive indemnity payments. There is no need to pay the premium upfront; the indemnity payments contribute towards the premium, with any additional funds going directly to the rancher. The program operates in two-month intervals, ensuring consistent coverage throughout the year.

It is important to know that a ranchers individual property may receive below average rainfall and not receive a payment  They may get above average rainfall and receive an indemnity.  Indemnities are based on the average rainfall calculated for each individual grid.

Frequent Questions

How Does It Work?

Ranchers can choose to insure up to 90% of their average rainfall for areas designated for grazing or haying. If rainfall in their region falls below the average, they receive indemnity payments. There is no need to pay the premium upfront; the indemnity payments contribute towards the premium, with any additional funds going directly to the rancher. The program operates in two-month intervals, ensuring consistent coverage throughout the year.

It Is USDA Backed?

Yes! By providing subsidies, the USDA assists in covering a portion of the insurance premium, reducing the financial burden on ranchers and encouraging participation in the program to safeguard their operations against the risks of insufficient rainfall.